Static Webiste Design

At ArraySoft Technology, a leading web design compnay we combine knowledge, experience and talent to produe cutting edge visuals in web designing. Our Static website packages provide absolute solution to the business or individuals, to post simple information about themselves or abour their company.



5 Pages

Design Quality - Basic

Navigation System

Domain (.in)

Web Space (Free for 1Year) 100MB

Number of email id : 1

Enquiry page : 1

SEO Friendly : No

Social media link integration : No

Google map integrastion : No

WhatsApp integrastion : No

Extra Pages Rs.500 for Each page

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7 Pages

Design Quality - Business

Navigation System

Domain (.in)

Web Space (Free for 1Year) 300MB

Number of email id : 1

Enquiry page : 1

SEO Friendly : No

Social media link integration : No

Google map integrastion : No

WhatsApp integrastion : No

Extra Pages Rs.500 for Each page

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15 Pages

Design Quality - Creative

Navigation System

Domain (.com)

Web Space (Free for 1Year) 500MB

Number of email id : 2

Enquiry page : 1

SEO Friendly : Yes

Social media link integration : Yes

Google map integrastion : Yes

WhatsApp integrastion : Yes

Extra Pages Rs.500 for Each page

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Extra Creative


20 Pages

Design Quality - Extra Creative

Navigation System

Domain (.com/ .in/ .net/ .org)

Web Space (Free for 1Year) 700MB

Number of email id : 5

Enquiry page : 1

SEO Friendly : Yes

Social media link integration : Yes

Google map integrastion : Yes

WhatsApp integrastion : Yes

Extra Pages Rs.500 for Each page

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*Terms & Conditions

  • Website completion will take 10 working days to complete Minimum. If you want it more urgently then charges of Rs.2000/- will be added.
  • Advance payment is required for Basic Static website package. For other 50% advance & 50% before hosting.
  • Please mention your package properly while contacting us.
  • Content should be provided from client side. Which will include (Logo, Reference graphics or copyright images) also contact details and navigation items. In case if you want to hire our content writer then contact us for the same.
  • Adding Mobile Tablet friendly design to Basic Package will cost Rs.2000/- extra.
  • Website charges will be for 1 time, there will be only Domain and Hosting renew charges, which will be Rs.3000/- per year.
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