About Flutter Framework

Flutter is Google's open-source framework. It supports iOS and Android and has fully customizable widgets.

Flutter is designed to speed up app development and create attractive, user-friendly apps. It uses a thin layer of C/C++ code, but most of its system is in Dart.

Flutter is Google’s free and open-source UI framework for creating native mobile applications. Released in 2017, Flutter allows developers to build mobile applications with a single codebase and programming language. This capability makes building both iOS and Android apps simpler and faster.

Benifits Of Flutter

Increased productivity: Using the same codebase for iOS and Android saves both time and resources. Flutter’s native widgets also minimize time spent on testing by ensuring there is little to no compatibility issues with different OS versions.

Great performance Users report that it is difficult to notice the difference between a Flutter app and a native mobile app.

Cost-effective Building iOS and Android apps with the same codebase is essentially building two apps for the price of one.

Great documentation & community Flutter has many great resources to answer your questions, thanks to its ample documentation with easy-to-follow use cases. Flutter users also benefit from community hubs like Flutter Community and Flutter Awesome for exchanging ideas.

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